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Tony leads by example at The Fraternity Club

Family atmosphere is what Gaming and Operations Manager Tony Rodrigues appreciates most at the Fraternity Club.

Tony has been a Frat employee for the past four years. His “operations” role, he says, is very broad. “Just about everything you can see and touch has an operational consideration. I even get in and support reception from time to time.

“The thing I most enjoy about the Fraternity Club is the family-like atmosphere and how the Fraternity holds much the same values and goals that I like to strive for and achieve in my own life.

“Family and friends are a major driver in the value decisions that I make on a daily basis, which draws parallels with the vision/mission of the Fraternity.”

Tony says he has a “get it done” mentality, coupled with an ability to consult with peers to get the right results the first time. He would see that attitude as his greatest strength, “along with my thirst to discover and interact with the latest techs to improve our club and team across all areas”.

A highlight of his career at the Fraternity so far has been - not surprisingly among the Frat community – the Soccer World Cup in 2018. “I recall trading around the clock during the World Cup, enjoying the spectacle that is World Cup and the reactions of the club members to pivotal points, especially towards the end,” he says.

“I have also loved all of the Castagne Days, which have been consecutive successes and have highlighted the team play of all of us at the Fraternity, from our dedicated board of directors to all of the management and frontline people, as well as our amazing volunteers whose commitment and help makes the entire day a joyous and memorable event.”

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