Gina Brys and Gina Scibilia have more than their first names in common – they also share a similarity in their dedication and cheerful approach towards employment at The Fraternity Club.
To all, they’re known as the “Two Ginas” – friendly, welcoming and hard working.
Together they have accumulated more than 50 years of ongoing employment at The Fraternity, working alongside many others in the renovated La Trattoria bistro.
Gina Brys is a friendly face behind the bar and is recognised by her big smile, bright red lipstick and pearl earrings.
With a Polish background and a love affair for all things Australian and Italian, Gina’s bubbly personality has made her a lovable addition to the club.
For the past three decades, she has quenched the thirst of patrons and is often referred to as the club’s “best seller” of wine!
“I have worked at The Fraternity for more than 30 years and have worked in all areas of the club, and now the La Trattoria bistro,” she said.
“I am a people person and like to make my customers feel like they’re number one.
“I have made many friends over the years and always enjoy serving my customers with a big smile.
“The wonderful staff has become my family and I look forward to making more friends over the next 30 years.”
While Gina Brys entertains guests with her exceptional bar service, Gina Scibilia is forever cooking up mouth-watering masterpieces for the club’s hungry diners.
She is regarded as an outstanding chef and is a main reason why diners return for more.
“This club is about good times, family and loyalty,” she said.
Both Ginas agreed that the renovations to the La Trattoria bistro – which has been transformed into a 300-seat modern dining area complete with an alfresco area – has been a positive step forward for staff, guests and members of The Fraternity Club.